Thursday 21 August 2008

Radiohead Deny Writing Film Score For Choke

Radiohead consume denied that they get written the score for the forthcoming Hollywood motion picture Choke.

Yesterday, Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote the original novel, claimed the band had suit involved in the project after finding out he had scripted the story while listening to their debut album 'Pablo Honey'.

�Apparently Radiohead liked the picture show so much, they�ve written the score, most of the ambient music throughout it,� Palahniuk told the BBC.

Radiohead have denied this, however, saying they have plainly commissioned the use of 'The Reckoner', a cut off their latest album 'In Rainbows', for the films credits.

"No one in the Radiohead organization is aware of the band composing whatever original, concomitant, or ambient music for Choke,� a spokesperson said.

Palahniuk, who also wrote the seminal Fight Club, had said he was honoured to pick up that the band had written a score for the film, adding: �My life is just likewise incredible to be credible anymore. It�s a living dream."

Choke, which has been directed by Clark Gregg, is due to be released in cinemas in the UK this November.

You fundament see all the highlights from Radiohead's second day at the festival below, or chatter on the following golf links for extensive photo coverage from the whole event.

All Points West - Day One
All Points West - Day Two
All Points West - Day Three

Radiohead at All Points West

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